In the first intellectual output (O1), the strategic partnership supports innovation and addresses the selected horizontal and sectoral priorities of the Erasmus+ programme through the design and development of an online training course on Digital Skills in view of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Revolution.
This is aimed at a specific target group which consists of vulnerable adults in the workforce who possess a lower level of knowledge and digital competencies and hence necessitate re/upskilling. The course design and development, which is aimed at improving and extending the reskilling of the target group, will be based on a needs analysis that will be undertaken amongst businesses and employees.
In the second intellectual output (O2), the strategic partnership will evaluate the developed online training course on Digital Skills in view of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Revolution. The evaluation will involve the piloting of the training course via an iterative process design, with the aim of reskilling vulnerable adults whose jobs are threatened by the new technologies and an evaluative analysis in this regard. This will be complemented by a short recommendations document on digital skills for corporate training in the Artificial Intelligence Revolution.
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