How do organisations become ready to accept Artificial Intelligence? What are the foundations, infrastructure and interfaces required? How can management systems influence the embedding of AI practices?
The Digital Skills for the Artificial Intelligence Revolution is an EU-funded Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education (Project Reference: 2020-1-MT01-KA204-074223), which aims to empower today’s workforce in view of the ongoing digital transformation.
To establish the current state of affairs in the business industry in terms of AI Readiness for adoption and application
To identify the gaps between required new digital skills and competences and labour market demands.
To design and develop an online self-paced training course on digital skills for employees in the AI Revolution
To reskill vulnerable adults whose jobs are threatened by the new technologies, hence ensuring their survival and prosperity in the job market
To analyse the quality and impact of the course content and instructional design, vis-à-vis the expected training learning outcomes
To write a short recommendations document aimed at businesses on the importance of digital skills for corporate training in the age of the AI Revolution
The DS4AIR online course comprises eight self-paced 90-minute chapters. These assume no prior knowledge or experience of working with the themes covered and are specifically designed for the place of work in view of the Fourth Industrial and AI Revolutions. You can earn individual certificates for each chapter and an overall certificate for the whole course once you successfully complete all chapters.
What is Artificial Intelligence? What is its impact? How did it all begin? How did it evolve? How does it benefit society? What are the subfields of Artificial Intelligence? What are their ethical implications?
How do organisations become ready to accept Artificial Intelligence? What are the foundations, infrastructure and interfaces required? How can management systems influence the embedding of AI practices?
How is AI shaping the future of work? Why are humans key to digital transformation? What is transformational leadership and what does leading with AI entail? Why are digital skills the future of work?
“I would also like to take the opportunity to say thank you for creating and offering this course. I found it incredibly interesting and it left me hungry for more related. The challenge in our organizations and in the way we do business is to be ready to evolve and embrace this digital transition that won’t stop”.
Contact us today to know more about the project and to gain free early-bird access to our training course!
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